Attitude meets altitude. Energy fuels success. A healthy mind in a healthy body. Where collective strengths, alignment and synchronisation are essential to win and scale new heights.

Aller plus haut
As the French say “go higher, go further“. Scaling New Heights is a philosophy to challenge yourself to reach your true potential. Use the power of your imagination to dream bigger, be bolder and achieve the impossible.
“It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.“
Sir Edmund Hilary
AMINONA is about more than reaching the summit. It’s going beyond power or the trappings of success.
It’s having a sense of fulfilment, a positive sustainable impact on others, inspiring teams to achieve greatness and living a meaningful purpose.

Authentic, Human
Ambitious Leadership
Our values
We are one team
We harness the power of connection, collaboration and teamwork to work joyfully, leveraging our talents, resources and energy to achieve the impossible.
We are truthful & transparent
We are truthful and transparent about everything. We strive to do the right thing operating with unwavering confidentiality, integrity and trust.
We are authentic & real
We are our true selves, always and in all ways. Being real, open, non-judgmental and respectful inspires us to do more meaningful work.
We are committed to excellence
We are committed to excellence and holding ourselves accountable to the highest levels of professionalism and integrity in everything we say and do.
We challenge the status quo
We challenge the status quo, and are passionate about innovation and continuous learning to make a difference and achieve personal and professional growth.